Why is authentic web design oh-so important?

The internet is everywhere, it’s become integral part to our daily lives, from social networking to checking the weather. Businesses need a strong online presence to succeed in this digital world. A website is like a virtual store or portfolio, and it's often the first way people learn about a business. So it's super important to have a website that's well-designed, interesting, and keeps your target customer’s attention.

But what is authentic web design anyway, and why does it matter? Authentic web design means creating websites that are unique to the brand and fully represent the businesses brand message and values. This includes the website's look, what it says, and how people use it. Good authentic web design isn't just about making an aesthetic website; it's about making a website that people will use with ease and well, enjoy too.

There are many benefits to authentic web design. It helps turn businesses into recognisable brands. This is important because there are so many websites out there, hundreds, thousands, probably millions. Authentic web design also makes it easier for user experience, not only will they be able to find the information they need but as it’s speaking to them, they’ll probably somewhat enjoy it too. This will help keep your people interested and engaged with your brand.

Authentic web design also helps build trust and loyalty with your target audience. When a website looks good and is simple to navigate, people are more likely to trust your business. This is where brand strategy and web design truly meet each other. Having a solid strategy that helps you know who you are, and who you speak to helps you nail an authentic web design, it makes the process simply dreamy. When you’re checking all these boxes, you’ll form a retention of the right audience.

Lastly, authentic web design can help your businesses make more sales (yay!). How does it do that? We’ll find out more below, but simply put by attracting the right people, keeping them interested with authentic design and easy navigation will result in those higher conversion rates!

So let’s jump into why authentic web design is oh-so important…

What is authentic web design?

Before we get going, let’s define exactly what authentic web design is (and why you would want it). Authentic web design is essentially having a website which is unique to your brand, which fully represents your brands overall messaging and values. Think of it as the ultimate representation of everything you are, that if someone were to pop on over to your site they would learn exactly who your brand is, what you do and why you are unique.

It’s super important to note authentic web design is not purely about having an aesthetic website, it is so much more! It’s about having the truest version of your brand, which looks, sounds and feels on-brand. On top of this, it should be structured in a way that feels native and easy to use for your target audience.

Authentic web design helps Establish a unique brand identity

Most brands want to feel unique, even in a saturated market. How do we achieve that? Through strong brand identity. As part of your brand identity you should consider your website, how that plays a part in it all. It’s all very well having a lovely brand identity project done, but if you’re not putting it to work on your customer facing outlets, it’s probably not helping you out in the long run is it?

From your brand identity, you can create authentic web design. As we’ve mentioned, these two go hand in hand. Your website is like your shop window, it should embody exactly who your brand is, what you do and why you do it. The more authentic your web design is to your brand identity, the stronger it is. It should feel effortless, not only for you, but your customers too.

As we mentioned, there are a lot of websites, some more established than you. Starting with the right foot forward, with an authentic web design set to talk to your target audience, you’ll start to create a unique brand identity in your market. Rather than looking like the sea of competitors, which have either got a very bland web design or have gone far too much down the hole of copying their competitor, you’ll stand out from the crowd with design your target audience wants to see.

Authentic web design Enhances user experience and builds engagement

User experience is incredibly important on websites, that’s why bigger businesses hire entire teams just to work on this element. Whilst getting your target audience to your site is one thing, getting them to stay, to engage and to convert is a big challenge. When you have an authentic web design, this challenge is made a lot easier, as your whole site is set up and ready to recieve your target audience, you understand the problem they have and you know how to solve it.

Through copy, visuals, even where and how you place your calls to action, you will improve your target audience’s user experience. Rather than clicking onto your homepage, feeling the overwhelm and sharply exiting, they’ll feel engaged, spoken to and keen to progress through your pages as they learn more about you.

Obviously this uptick in engagement is great, as it may lead to conversion but it has other benefits too. For instance, more people searching for your brand and spending time on your pages will positively impact SEO (search engine optimisation) and get you ranking higher and higher on Google!

Authentic web design Builds trust and loyalty

No matter what kind of brand you are, service or product, trust and loyalty are essential to every brand. Acquiring new customers is great, and something we all constantly strive for, but the best, most memorable brands? They keep customers coming back for more.

As we’ve mentioned authentic web design can make your website more memorable, easy to use for your audience, and more engaging too! All of these things attribute to a trust level being built and the retention of their custom.

An ideal scenario is that when your target audience thinks of your industry you are associated with, they automatically think of you. So what makes this connection form? Positive interactions, feeling aligned with a brand and good experiences. All things that your authentic web design will help you achieve!

Authentic web design Increases conversion

The question on most business owners lips is ‘how can we increase conversion’ - of course it’s a common question, after all whilst businesses are run for many reasons, being profitable has to be a major factor. So how does authentic web design feed into increased conversion?

Through all of the factors above, of course.

With authentic web design you are communicating to the right audience, establishing a unique brand identity in your market, building engagement which in turn fosters trust, and brand loyalty. All of these things end up with good conversion. You are simply laying the foundations to giving your target audience what they need, without making them jump through loops to find it.

All you have to do is think about brands you regularly buy from, what makes you do that? Where did that positive association start. Chances are, between their brand identity and their authentic web design you felt spoken to, you found the answer to your problem and in time, you felt you could trust them.

in Summary:

So now we know exactly how authentic web design is important, and can attribute to so many successes in your business. From establishing a unique brand identity to ultimately making more sales. Investing in your website is a great place to start for any business looking to build their brand, no matter what stage of their journey they are on.

At Studio Pie we’ve helped many business owners turn their brands into memorable ones with authentic web design. Really tapping into the magic of what makes their brand unique, and how they can solve their customers problems.

If you’re looking to start your authentic web design journey, get in touch to see how we can help.

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